This was Henry’s* 7th summer at Camp Kirk. He came in 2007 with a
multiple diagnosis of Learning Disability, ADD, and serious difficulties
with written and expressive language.
Because of all of this, Henry
was often perceived as low functioning and globally delayed. It was
very evident from his very first summer with us, that Henry had
qualities that superseded his exceptionalities. He was friendly,
empathetic, caring and very supportive of others.
Over the years, he
continued to sharpen his social skills and has developed incredible
leadership skills, to the point where this past summer, he was part of
our Explorer Group (a hand-picked group of campers who have shown
potential for leadership development and perhaps participation in our
Leaders-In-Training program in the future).
Henry is a wonderful
young man with so much to offer and a great example of what Camp
Kirk can do for a child with exceptionalities.
* Names have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals and their families.